This is a song called "One Step At A Time", which Jennifer Lopez wrote for her twins, Emme and Max. It was used in promotional videos for Jennifer’s charity, The Maribel Foundation. The song is also featured on a compilation album 'Every Mother Counts' and is on sale now, exclusively at select Starbucks stores.
Ladies and gentlemen! Here we present Jennifer Lopez - One Step At A Time. One Step At A Time lyric performed by Jennifer Lopez also available below.
Download Jennifer Lopez - One Step At A Time MP3s for $0.15/track here
You must be thinking how did I get here
And I wonder if you’ve been here before
So many I want to ask you, and know about you
You seem like you are ready to run
Stand right up and walk out that door
Oh yes you’ve been here before
But for this moment you’re all mine
So let’s just take it one step at a time
One step at a time
No need to rush
Let’s keep this time for us
And make it lasts as long as we can
It’s so already going too fast
I would spend my lifetime wondering why
He chose me for you and you for I
You have things to teach me
I have a feeling inside
I have this vision of three of us
Holding hands
Through a valley and jumping towards the sky
But one step at a time
We will take it one step at a time
One step at a time
No need to rush
Let’s keep this time for us
And make it lasts as long as we can
It’s so already going too fast
How can three become one,
You’re the greatest thing tha I’ve ever done
I wanna create a world
You will always want comeback to
And here’s my wish for both of you
[Jennifer Lopez talks...]
One step at a time
No need to rush
Let’s keep this time for us
And make it lasts as long as we can
It’s so already going too fast
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