This is a song titled "Ain't No Way" covered by Glee Cast (Amber Riley aka Mercedes). It is expected to be performed in the episode 'Night of Neglect', the seventeenth episode of the Glee second season this coming April 19, 2011. "Ain't No Way" is originally a song written by singer-songwriter Carolyn Franklin and sung by her elder sister Aretha Franklin as the b-side to her 1968 hit, (Sweet Sweet Baby) Since You've Been Gone.
Ladies and gentlemen! Here we present Glee Cast - Ain't No Way. Ain't No Way lyric performed by Glee Cast also available below.
Download Glee - Ain't No Way MP3s for $0.15/track here
Ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me.
It ain't no way for me to give you all you need,
if you won't let me give all of me.
I know that a woman's duty is to help and love a man,
and that's the way it was planned.
Oh, but how can I, how can I, how can I
give you all the things I can,
if you're tying both of my hands?
Oh, it ain't no way (ain't no way).
It ain't no way (ain't no way).
It just ain't no way, baby (ain't no way).
Ain't no way baby (ain't no way).
It ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me.
Stop trying to be someone you're not.
How cold and cruel is a man
who pay too much for what he got?
And if you need me to love you, say, say you do.
Oh, then baby, baby, baby don't you know that
I need you.
Oh, Oh, it ain't no way.
I'll tell you that it ain't no way,
It ain't no way.
It ain't no way, baby, no.
It just ain't no way.
It sure ain't no way
It ain't no way for me to love you,
if you won't let me...
no way...if you won't let me...ain't no way
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